Transgene Zygosity Testing

Our transgene zygosity testing service for transgenic models uses hydrolysis probes to quantitatively determine if samples are homozygous or hemizygous for the transgene of interest. This differs from our standard genotyping service for transgenic samples which only reports qualitative results (presence/absence.) Sample zygosity is determined by comparison to known controls using the delta Cp (crossing point). Heterozygotes and homozygotes are expected to be separated by at least 1 delta Cp.
Calls are based on relative amplification vs. the performance of control samples. In the absence of proper controls, tentative calls can be made based on relative amplification if both genotypes are present. However, no zygosity call can be made if only one genotype is present.
- Strain name
- Strain crossing information (to ensure that our assays do not cross-react with other mutations)
- Mutation design information (for commercially available strains only the vendor information is necessary)
- Hemizygous and homozygous controls (only needed with first sample submission for assay development)