With GTCAssure™ we confirm results for every sample
At GTCA, once is never enough for a test result. Science requires replication. With GTCAssure™ we do that the first time for every sample.
- Real-Time PCR genotyping is validated with either two separate assays or a single assay run twice for each target.
- Point mutation genotyping and transgene zygosity testing results are validated with a single assay run twice for each target.
- All GTCAssured results are delivered within 2-3 business days.

Our Process
We aim to deliver fast & exceptional results
- 1. Design and test assays for the requested target(s).
- 2. Extract the DNA using our proprietary method.
- 3. Perform two separate amplifications.
- 4. Independently analyze both result sets.
- 5. Deliver the summary report.
- 6. Store the samples for two months for additional testing if requested.